Issue 2
Mokhova L.M., Eremenko N.A.
Pollen rain composition on Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands)
Ezhkin A.K.
Lichens of the “Lagunoozernyy Relict forest” Protected Area on Kunashir Island
Gorbunova T.L.
The saprobity of the rivers of Sochi National Park
Darman Yu.A., Karakin V.P., Surmach S.G., Chubar E.A.
New territory of national park “Land of the Leopard” — the cluster “Gamovskiy”
Yavorskaya N.M.
“Bolshekhekhtsirsky” Nature Reserve (Short Review)
Borisova I.G., Stupnikova T.V., Pavlova K.P., Dudov S.V., Podolsky S.A.
“Tokinskiy” Nature Reserve (Zakaznik): physical-geographical essay
Podolsky S.A., Ignatenko S.Yu., Krasikova E.K.
“Tokinsko-Stanovoy” National Park: history and problems of creation