Year: 2020, Number: 1, Pages: 62-82
Kedrovaya Pad' Nature Reserve is home to 39 Red-listed lichen species. The Red Data Book of the Russian Federation includes 16 species and the Red Data Book of Primorye territory involves 23 ones. Each species is characterized by the distribution, the types of phytocoenosis where it was found, the cover, the substrates and the frequency of occurrence within the study area. Brief information on the distribution of the studied species in the world and on the territory of the Russian Federation is provided. The condition of the protected lichen populations and factors affecting their ecologic-substrate relationship are discussed. It is necessary to change Red list category of Umbilicaria esculenta (current category: low risk (LR) in the next editions of the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Book of Primorye territory and assess it as endangered species (EN). Each lichen species is provided with photos.