Чернодед Галина Кирилловна
Veremeichik G.N., Silantieva S.A., Grigorchuk V.P., Brodovskaya E.V., Subbotin E.P., Tchernoded G.K., Tikhonova O.A., Bulgakov V.P., Kulchin Y.N. 2024. Artificial monochromatic red and green light induces the biosynthesis of rosmarinic acid in long-term cultured calli of Mertensia maritima (L.) // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Nr 159, art. nr 67.
Shkryl Yu., Tsydeneshieva Zh., Menchinskaya E., Rusapetova T., Grishchenko O., Mironova A., Bulgakov D., Gorpenchenko T., Kazarin V., Tchernoded G., Bulgakov V., Aminin D., Yugay Yu. 2024. Exosome-like Nanoparticles, High in Trans-δ-Viniferin Derivatives, Produced from Grape Cell Cultures: Preparation, Characterization, and Anticancer Properties. // Biomedicines. Vol.12. Issue 9. Article number 2142.
Morshneva A.V., Khandy M.T., Grigorchuk V.P., Chernoded G.K., Gorpenchenko T.Yu. 2023. Accumulation of Polyphenols and Naphthoquinones in Morphogenic Cultures of Two Drosera Species. // Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.70. P.175.
Veremeichik G.N., Gorpenchenko T.Y., Rusapetova T.V., Brodovskaya E.V., Tchernoded G.K., Bulgakov D.V., Shkryl Y.N., Bulgakov V.P. 2023. Auxin-dependent regulation of growth via rolB-induced modulation of the ROS metabolism in the long-term cultivated pRiA4-transformed Rubia cordifolia L. calli. // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol.202. Article ID 107932.
Shkryl Y.N., Tchernoded G.K., Yugay Y.A., Grigorchuk V.P., Sorokina M.R., Gorpenchenko T.Y., Kudinova O.D., Degtyarenko A.I., Onishchenko M.S., Shved N.A., Kumeiko V.V., Bulgakov V.P. 2023. Enhanced Production of Nitrogenated Metabolites with Anticancer Potential in Aristolochia manshuriensis Hairy Root Cultures. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol.24. N.14. Article ID 11240.
Gorpenchenko T.Yu., Grigorchuk V.P., Makhankov V.V., Kochkin D.V., Vologzhanina Yu.V., Khandy M.T., Chernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Yu.N. 2023. HPLC-MS Analysis of Ginsenosides in Morphogenic Cell Cultures of Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). // Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.70. Article number 172.
Yugay Y., Tsydeneshieva Z., Rusapetova T., Grischenko O., Mironova A., Bulgakov D., Silant’ev V., Tchernoded G., Bulgakov V., Shkryl Y. 2023. Isolation and Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles from Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Culture and Investigation of the Specificities of Their Biogenesis. // Plants (Basel). Vol.12. N.20. Article ID 3604.
Grishchenko O.V., Grigorchuk V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Koren O.G., Bulgakov V.P. 2022. Callus Culture of Scorzonera radiata as a New, Highly Productive and Stable Source of Caffeoylquinic Acids. // Molecules. Vol.27. N.7989.
Khandy M.T., Chernoded G.K., Grigorchuk V.P., Vereshchagina Yu.V., Morshneva A.V., Gorpenchenko T.Yu. 2022. Histological Structure and Composition of Secondary Metabolites in Cell Culture of Drosera rotundifolia L. // Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.69. N.5. P.451-461.
Shkryl Yu., Veremeichik G., Avramenko T., Gorpenchenko T., Tchernoded G., Bulgakov V. 2022. Transcriptional regulation of enzymes involved in ROS metabolism and abiotic stress resistance in rolC-transformed cell cultures. // Plant Growth Regulation. Vol.97. N.3. P.485-497.
Makhazen D.S., Veremeichik G.N., Shkryl Y.N., Tchernoded G.K., Grigorchuk V.P., Bulgakov V.P. 2021. Inhibition of the JAZ1 gene causes activation of camalexin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis callus cultures. // Journal of Biotechnology. Vol.342. P.102-113.
Makhazen D. S., Veremeichik G. N., Shkryl Y. N., Grigorchuk V. P., Tchernoded G. K., Degtyarenko A. I., Bulgakov V. P. 2021. RNA inhibition of the JAZ9 gene increases the production of resveratrol in grape cell cultures. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture.
Тимченко Н.Ф., Елисейкина М.Г., Чернодед Г.К., Грищенко О.В., Раков А.В., Щелканов М.Ю. 2021. Взаимодействие возбудителей сапронозов с клетками наземного растения воробейника краснокорневого. // Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии. Т.98. №6. С.664-670.
Veremeichik G.N., Bulgakov V.P., Shkryl Y.N., Silantieva S.A., Makhazen D.S., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Fedoreyev S.A., Vasileva E.A. 2019. Activation of anthraquinone biosynthesis in long-cultured callus culture of Rubia cordifolia transformed with the rolA plant oncogene. // Journal of Biotechnology. Vol.306. P.38-46.
Gorpenchenko T.Y.; Grigorchuk V.P.; Bulgakov D.V.; Tchernoded G.K.; Bulgakov V.P. 2019. Tempo-spatial pattern of stepharine accumulation in Stephania glabra morphogenic tissues. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol.20. N.4. Article ID 808.
Тимченко Н.Ф,, Елисейкина М.Г., Чернодед Г.К., Грищенко О.В., Булгаков В.П. 2019. Взаимодействие Yersinia pseudotuberculosis с каллусами Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. // Здоровье. Медицинская экология. Наука. Т.79. №3. С.4-7.
Gorpenchenko T. Y., Grigorchuk V. P., Fedoreyev S. A., Tarbeeva D. V., Tchernoded G. K., Bulgakov V. P. 2017. Stepharine production in morphogenic cell cultures of Stephania glabra (ROXB.) Miers. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Vol.128. N.1. P.67-76.
Grishchenko O.V., Kiselev K.V., Tchernoded G.K., Fedoreyev S.A., Veselova M.V., Bulgakov V.P., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2016. RolB gene-induced production of isoflavonoids in transformed Maackia amurensis cells. // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. N.100. Issue 17. P.7479-7489.
Григорчук В.П., Рыбин В.Г., Булгаков В.П., Чернодед Г.К. 2015. Использование высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии для определения кофеилхинных кислот в трансгенных клетках артишока. // Теория и практика хроматографии: тезисы докладов Всероссийской конференции с международным участием, посвященной памяти проф. М.С.Вигдергауза. . С.31. Самара .
Григорчук В.П., Грищенко О.В., Рыбин В.Г., БулгаковВ.П., Чернодед Г.К. 2015. Культура клеток Scorzonera radiata Fisch. как продуцент кофеоилхинных кислот. // Химия и технология растительных веществ: тезисы докладов IX Всероссийской научной конференции . С.47. Москва .
Vereshchagina Y.V., Bulgakov V.P., Grigorchuk V.P., Rybin V.G., Veremeichik G.N., Tchernoded G.K., Gorpenchenko T.Y., Koren O.G., Phan N.H., Minh N.T., Chau L.T., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2014. The rolC gene increases caffeoylquinic acid production in transformed artichoke cells. // Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Vol.98. N.18. P.7773-7780.
Grishchenko O.V., Kiselev K.V., Tchernoded G.K., Fedoreyev S.A., Veselova M.V., Bulgakov V.P., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2013. The influence of the rolC gene on isoflavonoid production in callus cultures of Maackia amurensis. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Vol.113. N.3. P.429-435.
Gorpenchenko T.Y., Aminin D.L., Vereshchagina Y.V., Shkryl Y.N., Veremeichik G.N., Tchernoded G.K., Bulgakov V.P. 2012. Can plant oncogenes inhibit programmed cell death? The rolB oncogene reduces apoptosis-like symptoms in transformed plant cells. // Plant Signaling & Behavior. Vol.7. N.9. P.1058-1061.
Fedoreyev S.A., Inyushkina Y.V., Bulgakov V.P., Veselova M.V., Tchernoded G.K., Gerasimenko A.V., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2012. Production of allantoin, rabdosiin and rosmarinic acid in callus cultures of the seacoastal plant Mertensia maritima (Boraginaceae). // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Vol.110. N.1. P.183-188.
Bulgakov V.P., Gorpenchenko T.Y., Veremeichik G.N., Shkryl Y.N., Tchernoded G.K., Bulgakov D.V., Aminin D.L., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2012. The rolB gene suppresses reactive oxygen species in transformed plant cells through sustained activation of antioxidant defense. // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol.158. N.3. P.1371–1381.
Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Veselova M.V., Fedoreyev S.A., Muzarok T.I., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2011. Catechin production in cultured cells of Taxus cuspidata and Taxus baccata. // Biotechnology Letters. Vol.33. P.1879–1883.
Kiselev K.V., Shumakova O.A., Tchernoded G.K. 2011. Mutation of Panax ginseng genes during long-term cultivation of ginseng cell cultures. // Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.168. N.11. P.1280-1285.
Gorpenchenko T.Y., Tchernoded G.K., Bulgakov V.P. 2011. Programmed cell death in Rubia cordifolia cells transformed by agrobacterial rolB oncogene. // Modern achievements in population, evolutionary and ecological genetics (MAPEEG - 2011): Program and Abstract of International Symposium. P.17. Владивосток.
Kiselev K.V., Turlenko A.V., Tchernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2009. Nucleotide substitutions in rolC and nptII gene sequences during long-term cultivation of Panax ginseng cell cultures. // Plant Cell Reports. Vol.28. N.8. P.1273-1278.
Kiselev K.V., Tchernoded G.K. 2009. Somatic embryogenesis in the Panax ginseng cell culture induced by the rolC oncogene is associated with increased expression of WUS and SERK genes. // Russian Journal of Genetics. Vol.45. N.4. P.445-452.
Kiselev K.V., Gorpenchenko T.Y., Tchernoded G.K., Dubrovina A.S., Grishchenko O.V., Bulgakov V.P., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2008. Calcium-dependent mechanism of somatic embryogenesis in Panax ginseng cell cultures expressing the rolC oncogene. // Molecular Biology. Vol.42. N.2. P.243-252.
Persiyanova E.V., Kiselev K.V., Bulgakov V.P., Timchenko N.F., Chernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Yu.N. 2008. Defense response mechanisms of ginseng callus cultures induced by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, a human pathogen. // Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.55. N.6. P.748-755.
Shkryl Y.N., Veremeichik G.N., Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2008. Individual and Combined Effects of the rolA, B and C Genes on Anthraquinone Production in Rubia cordifolia Transformed Calli. // Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol.100. N.1. P.118-125.
Fedoreyev S.A., Bulgakov V.P., Grishchenko O.V., Veselova M.V., Krivoschekova O.E., Kulesh N.I., Denisenko V.A., Tchernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2008. Isoflavonoid composition of a callus culture of the relict tree Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim. // Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol.56. N.16. P.7023-7031.
Mishchenko N.P., Fedoreev S.A., Bryukhanov V.M., Zverev Ya.F., Lampatov V.V., Azarova O.V., Shkryl' Yu.N., Chernoded G.K. 2007. Chemical composition and pharmacological activity of anthraquinones from Rubia cordifolia cell culture. // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. Vol.41. N.11. P.605-609.
Inyushkina Y.V., Bulgakov V.P., Veselova M.V., Bryukhanov V.M., Zverev Y.F., Lampatov V.V., Azarova O.V., Tchernoded G.K., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2007. High Rabdosiin and Rosmarinic Acid Production in Eritrichium sericeum Callus Cultures and the Effect of the Calli on Masugi-Nephritis in Rats. // Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. Vol.71. N.5. P.1286-1293.
Грищенко О.В., Киселев К.В., Чернодед Г.К., Булгаков В.П., Веселова М.В. 2007. Клеточная культура Маакии амурской (Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim.) как альтернативный источник полифенолов для производства биомаксара - гепатопротектора нового поколения. // Экология в современном мире: взгляд научной молодежи. С.356-57. Улан-удэ .
Грищенко О.В., Киселев К.В., Чернодед Г.К., Веселова М.В., Булгаков В.П. 2007. Состав полифенолов и фармакологические свойства клеточной культуры Маакии амурской Maackia amurensis. // XI Международная молодежная Школа-конференция по актуальным проблемам химии и биологии. С.7-8. Владивосток .
Gorpenchenko T.Y., Kiselev K.V., Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Bragina E.A., Khodakovskaya M.V., Koren O.G., Batygina T.B., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2006. The Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC-gene-induced somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis in Panax ginseng transformed calluses. // Planta. Vol.223. N.3. P.457-467.
Fedoreyev S.A., Veselova M.V., Krivoschekova O.E., Mischenko N.P., Denisenko V.A., Dmitrenok P.S., Glazunov V.P., Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2005. Caffeic Acid Metabolites from Eritrichium sericeum Cell Cultures. // Planta Medica. Vol.71. N.5. P.446-451.
Bulgakov V.P., Veselova M.V., Tchernoded G.K., Kiselev K.V., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2005. Inhibitory effect of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC gene on rabdosiin and rosmarinic acid production in Eritrichium sericeum and Lithospermum erythrorhizon transformed cell cultures. // Planta. Vol.221. N.4. P.471-478.
Gorpenchenko T.Y., Kiselev K.V., Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Bragina E.A., Khodakovskaya M.V., Koren O.G., Batygina T.B., Zhuravlev Yu. N. 2005. Somatic embryogenesis in transformed cell culture of Panax ginseng. // XVII International Botanical Congress: Abstract book. P.648. Vienna.
Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Shkryl Y.N., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2004. The rolB and rolC genes activate synthesis of anthraquinones in Rubia cordifolia cells by mechanism independent of octadecanoid signaling pathway. // Plant Science. Vol.166. N.4. P.1069-1075.
Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Shkryl Y.N., Glazunov V.P., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2003. Effects of Ca2+, channel blockers and protein kinase/phosphatase inhibitors on growth and anthraquinone production in Rubia cordifolia callus cultures transformed by the rolB and rolC genes. // Planta. Vol.217. N.3. P.349-355.
Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Shkryl Y.N., Glazunov V.P., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2003. Increase in anthraquinone content in Rubia cordifolia cells transformed by rol genes does not involve activation of the NADPH oxidase signaling pathway. // Biochemistry (Moscow). Vol.68. N.7. P.795-801.
Bulgakov V.P., Kusaykin M., Tchernoded G.K., Zvyagintseva T.N., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2002. Carbohydrase activities of the rolC-gene transformed and non-transformed ginseng cultures. // Fitoterapia. Vol.73. N.7-8. P.638-643.
Bulgakov V.P., Tchernoded G.K., Mischenko N.P., Khodakovskaya M., Glazunov V.P., Radchenko S.V., Zvereva E.V., Fedoreyev S.A., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2002. Effect of salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate, ethephon and cantharidin on anthraquinone production by Rubia cordifolia callus cultures transformed with the rolB and rolC gene. // Journal of Biotechnology. Vol.97. N.3. P.213-221.
Bulgakov V.P., Lauve L.S., Tchernoded G.K., Khodakovskaya M.V., Zhuravlev Y.N. 2000. Chromosome variation in ginseng cells transformed with the rolC plant oncogene. // Russian Journal of Genetics. Vol.36. N.2. P.150-156.
Mischenko N.P., Fedoreyev S.A., Glazunov V.P., Chernoded G.K., Bulgakov V.P., Zhuravlev Y.N. 1999. Anthraquinone production by callus cultures of Rubia cordifolia. // Fitoterapia. Vol.70. N.6. P.552-557.
Bulgakov V.P., Khodakovskaya M.V., Labetskaya N.V., Chernoded G.K., Zhuravlev Y.N. 1998. The impact of plant rolC oncogene on ginsenoside production by ginseng hairy root cultures. // Phytochemistry. Vol.49. N.7. P.1929-1934.
Kholupenko I.P., Burundukova O.L., Zhemchugova V.P., Voronkova N.M., Tchernoded G.K. 1996. Source-sink relations in Far-Estern rice cultivars as related to their productivity. // Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol.43. N.2. P.165-173.