Нитяговский Николай Николаевич

Aleynova O.A., Ogneva Z.V., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Beresh A.A., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2024. The effect of external treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana with plant-derived stilbene compounds on plant resistance to abiotic stresses. // Plants (Basel). Vol.13. Issue 2. Article number 184.

Kiselev K.V., Nityagovsky N.N., Aleynova O.A. 2023. A method of DNA extraction from plants for metagenomic analysis based on the example of grape Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. Vol.59. N.3. P.361-367.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Ananev A.A., Suprun A.R., Ogneva Z.V., Dneprovskaya A.A., Beresh A.A., Dubrovina A.S., Chebukin P.A., Kiselev K.V. 2023. Bacterial and fungal endophytes of grapevine cultivars growing in Primorsky krai of Russia. // Horticulturae. Vol.9. Issue 12. Article ID 1257.

Kiselev K.V., Ogneva Z.V., Aleynova O.A., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Dubrovina A.S. 2023. Influence of the 135 bp Intron on stilbene synthase VaSTS11 transgene expression in cell cultures of grapevine and different plant generations of Arabidopsis thaliana. // Horticulturae. Vol.9. Issue 4. Article ID 513.

Kiselev K.V., Aleynova O.A., Ogneva Z.V., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Dneprovskaya A.A., Beresh A.A., Dubrovina A.S. 2023. The effect of stress hormones, ultraviolet C, and stilbene precursors on expression of calcineurin B-like protein (CBL) and CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK) genes in cell cultures and leaves of Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.12. N.7. Article ID 1562.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Ananev A.A., Suprun A.R., Ogneva Z.V., Dneprovskaya A.A., Beresh A.A., Tyunin A.P., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2023. The endophytic microbiome of wild grapevines Vitis amurensis Rupr. and Vitis coignetiae Pulliat growing in the russian far east. // Plants (Basel). Vol.12. N.16. Article ID 2952.

Ananev A.A., Suprun A.R., Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Ogneva Z.V., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2022. Effect of VaMyb40 and VaMyb60 overexpression on stilbene biosynthesis in cell cultures of grapevine Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.11. N.15. Article ID 1916.

Aleynova O.A., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Ogneva Z.V., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2022. Effect of calmodulin-like gene (CML) overexpression on stilbene biosynthesis in cell cultures of Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.11. N.2. Article ID 171.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Suprun A.R., Kiselev K.V. 2022. Enhancement of stilbene biosynthesis in grape-cell cultures by natural products based on endophytes of the wild grape species Vitis amurensis RUPR. // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. Vol.58.

Nityagovsky N.N., Kiselev K.V., Suprun A.R., Dubrovina A.S. 2022. Exogenous dsRNA induces RNA interference of a chalcone synthase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol.23. N.10. Article ID 5325.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2022. The biodiversity of grapevine bacterial endophytes of Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.11. N.9. Article ID 1128.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2022. The diversity of fungal endophytes from wild grape Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.11. N.21. Article ID 2897.

Нитяговский Н.Н., Тюнин А.П., Санина Н.М. 2022. Биотехнологии для создания растений, устойчивых к вирусам. // Вестник ДВО РАН. №5. С.5-16.

Aleynova O.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Kiselev K.V. 2021. Biodiversity of endophytic bacteria and fungi of wild grapes Vitis amurensis Rupr. // BIO Web of Conferences. Vol.39. Article ID 05001.

Kiselev K.V., Aleynova O.A., Ogneva Z.V., Suprun A.R., Ananev A.A., Nityagovsky N.N., Dubrovina A.S. 2021. The effect of stress hormones, UV-C, and stilbene precursors on calmodulin (CaM) and calmodulin-like gene (CML) expression in Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Vol.146. P.59-68.

Aleynova O.A., Suprun A.R., Nityagovsky N.N., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2021. The influence of the grapevine bacterial and fungal endophytes on biomass accumulation and stilbene production by the in vitro cultivated cells of Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plants (Basel). Vol.10. N.7. Article ID 1276.

Tyunin A.P., Nityagovsky N.N., Karetin Y.A., Kiselev K.V. 2020. The comparative analysis of stilbene production in cell cultures of two East Asian grape species Vitis amurensis Rupr. and Vitis coignetiae Pulliat. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture.

Tyunin A.P., Nityagovsky N.N., Karetin Y.A., Kiselev K.V. 2019. Reactivation of rolB transgene expression in Vitis amurensis Rupr. cells upon retransformation with 2b gene from Cucumovirus isolate NK. // Biotechnology Letters. Vol.41. N.3. P.443-451.

Nitiagovsky N.N., Tyunin A.P., Kiselev K.V. 2019. Reactivation of VaSTS1 expression in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants by retransformation with 2b from Cucumber Mosaic Virus, isolate NK. // Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology: Abstracts of the V International Scientific Conference. P.140-142. Novosibirsk.

Kiselev K.V., Ogneva Z.V., Dubrovina A.S., Nityagovsky N.N., Suprun A.R. 2019. Somatic mutations, DNA methylation, and expression of DNA repair genes in Arabidopsis thaliana treated with 5-azacytidine. // Biologia Plantarum. Vol.63. P.398-404.

Tyunin A.P., Suprun A.R., Nityagovsky N.N., Manyakhin A.Y., Karetin Y.A., Dubrovina A.S., Kiselev K.V. 2019. The effect of explant origin and collection season on stilbene biosynthesis in cell cultures of Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture.

Tyunin A.P., Nityagovsky N.N., Grigorchuk V.P., Kiselev K.V. 2018. Stilbene content and expression of stilbene synthase genes in cell cultures of Vitis amurensis treated with cinnamic and caffeic acids. // Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. Vol.65. N.2. P.150-155.

Нитяговский Н.Н., Киселев К.В., Тюнин А.П. 2017. Влияние повторной генетической трансформации геном 2b из вируса огуречной мозаики CMV на экспрессию трансгена в длительно культивируемой культуре амурского винограда Vitis amurensis Rupr. // Актуальные проблемы химии и биологии: материалы XVI Всероссийской молодежной школы-конференции памяти В.Е. Васьковского. С.59. Владивосток.