Белодед Алина Юрьевна

Atopkin D.M., Beloded A.Yu., Nguyen H.V., Hoang H.V., Besprozvannykh V.V. 2024. First molecular data for trematode Bianium tonkinensis Nguyen, Nguyen, Ha, Ermolenko, 2017 (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae) from Vietnam and the problem of paraphyly of the genus Bianium // Genetics of Aquatic Organisms. Vol. 8, nr 3, art. nr GA815.

Atopkin D.M., Besprozvannykh V.V., Beloded A.Yu., Ha N.D., Nguyen H.V., Nguyen T.V. 2022. Restoration of the Genus Paraunisaccoides Martin, 1973 (Digenea: Haploporidae) and Description of P. elegans n. sp. and Unisaccus halongi n. sp. from Mugilid Fish in Vietnam. // Diversity. Vol.14. N.8. Article ID 639.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ngo H.D., Ha N.V., Tang N.V., Beloded A.Yu. 2018. Morphometric and molecular analyses of two digenean species from the mullet: Skrjabinolecithum spinosum n. sp. from the Russian southern Far East and Unisaccus tonkini n. sp. from Vietnam. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.92. Issue 6. P.713-724.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ngo H.D., Ermolenko A.V., Van Ha N., Van Tang N., Beloded A.Y. 2017. Morphometric and molecular analyses of two digenean species in mugilid fish: Lecithaster mugilis Yamaguti, 1970 from Vietnam and L. sudzuhensis n. sp. from southern Russian Far East. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.91. Issue 3. P.326-331.

Atopkin D.M., Besprozvannykh V.V., Ha D.N., Van H.N., Van T.N., Ermolenko A.V., Beloded A.Yu. 2017. Morphometric and molecular data of the two digenean species: Lasiotocus lizae Liu, 2002 (Monorchiidae) and Paucivitellosus vietnamensis sp. n. (Bivesiculidae) from mullets Tonkin Bay, Vietnam. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.91. Issue 3. P.346-355.

Atopkin D.M., Besprozvannykh V.V., Beloded A.Yu., Ngo H.D., Ha N.V., Tang N.V. 2017. Phylogenetic relationships of Hemiuridae (Digenea: Hemiuroidea) with new morphometric and molecular data of Aphanurus mugilis Tang, 1981 (Aphanurinae) from mullet fish of Vietnam. // Parasitology International. Vol.66. N.6. P.824-830.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ermolenko A.V., Beloded A.Yu. 2016. Morphometric and molecular analyses for a new species Skrjabinolecithum pyriforme n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) in mullet fish from the Primorsky Region, Russia. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.91. Issue 5. P.625-632.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ngo H.D., Ermolenko A.V., Ha N.V., Tang N.V., Beloded A.Yu. 2016. Morphometric and molecular analyses of two digenean species from the mullet: Haplosplanchnus pachysomus (Eysenhardt, 1892) from Vietnam and Provitellotrema crenimugilis Pan, 1984 from the Russian southern Far East. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.90. Issue 2. P.238-244.

Atopkin D.M., Beloded (Nikitenko) A.Yu., Ngo H.D., Ha N.V., Tang N.V. 2015. Molecular genetic characterization of the far eastern trematode Skrjabinolecithum spasskii Belous, 1954, (Digenea, Haploporidae), a parasite of mullets. // Molecular Biology. Vol.49. N.3. P.373-379.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ermolenko A.V., Nikitenko A.Yu. 2015. Restoration of the genus Parasaccocoelium Zhukov, 1971 (Digenea: Haploporidae) and a description of two new species from mugilid fish in the Far East of Russia. // Journal of Helminthology. Vol.89. Issue 5. P.565-576.

Besprozvannykh V.V., Atopkin D.M., Ngo H.D., Beloded A.Yu., Ermolenko A.V., Ha N.V., Tang N.V. 2015. The trematode Skrjabinolecithum spasskii Belous, 1954 (Digenea: Haploporidae), a mullet parasite (Mugilidae) from Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan and from vietnamese waters of the Gulf of Tonkin: morphology and molecular data. // Russian Journal of Marine Biology. Vol.41. N.4. P.286-294.