Morphometric and molecular data of the two digenean species: Lasiotocus lizae Liu, 2002 (Monorchiidae) and Paucivitellosus vietnamensis sp. n. (Bivesiculidae) from mullets Tonkin Bay, Vietnam

Atopkin D.M., Besprozvannykh V.V., Ha D.N., Van H.N., Van T.N., Ermolenko A.V., Beloded A.Yu.

В журнале Journal of Helminthology

Год: 2017 Том: 91 Выпуск: 3 Страницы: 346-355

Adults of Lasiotocus lizae Liu, 2002 (Monorchiidae) were found in mullet Liza longimanus (Gunther) from Tonkin Bay, near Cat Ba Island, Vietnam. In this place flukes belonging to genus Paucivitellosus (Bivesiculudae) were found in L. subviridis (Valenciennes), L. engeli (Bleeker) and Valamugil seheli (Forskai). Results of investigations showed that Lasiotocus lizae such as L. glebulentus Overstreet, 1971 do not meet the criteria of Lasiotocus by morphological features. Along with this L. lizae is highly differentiated from other species of Lasiotocus for which were obtained molecular data: L. arrhichostoma Searle, Cutmore et Cribb, 2014 and L. typicum (Nicoll, 1912) Phylogenetic analyses revealed that L. lizae considerably differs from other species of the genus Lasiotocus, presented in the GenBank. We have identified a new species of the genus Paucivitellosus - P. vietnamensis sp. n. from L. subviridis that differ from P. fragilis Coil, Reid et Kuntz, 1965 by metrical and molecular (18S rRNA) data and by metric features from P. hanumanthai Mani, 1989. Our results also showed considerable molecular differentiation between Paucivitellosus vietnamensis sp. n. and Paucivitellosus spp. that we have found in Liza engeli and Valamugil seheli from Vietnam.

DOI 10.1017/S0022149X16000389

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