Филогенетические связи трематод рода Crepidostomum (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) юга Дальнего Востока России

Атопкин Д.М., Шедько М.Б.

В издании Паразиты Голарктики: Международный симпозиум (4-8 октября 2010 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия). Т.1.

Год: 2010 Страницы: 20-23

Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Crepidostomum were reconstructed using partial sequences of 28Sr DNA. A phylogenetic analysis of 5 species of the genus Crepidostomum indicated following. 1) Genus was divided into two clades: the first one represented C. auriculatum, a parasite of sturgeons and the second one included other species. 2) C. nemachilus was identical to C. metoecus, these two species formed a distinct single clade. 3) C. cornutum from GeneBank was a sister species to (C. metoecus+C. nemachilus) group. 4) C. farionis formed a separate clade with a high statistical support.