Available Potassium in Volcanic Soils of Kamchatka

Zharikova E. A., Golodnaya O. M.

В журнале Eurasian Soil Science

Год: 2009 Том: 42 Номер: 8 Страницы: 850-860

The distribution of available potassium in the profiles of synlithogenic volcanic soils of Kamchatka has been studied. Most of the soils in the Central Kamchatka Depression and the Western Kamchatka Lowland are characterized by a medium content of nonexchangeable potassium and a high content of exchangeable potassium. The soils of the east coast are less rich in potassium. The reserves of available potassium in the root layer of the virgin and cultivated soils of Kamchatka have been calculated. It is shown that differences in the reserves of potassium are related to different degrees of the soil tolerance toward the depletion of potassium and to the uneven application of potassium fertilizers. In most cases, soil cultivation is accompanied by a general rise in the reserves of available potassium with an increase in the portion of exchangeable potassium relative to its nonexchangeable forms.

DOI 10.1134/S1064229309080031

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