Voles (Microtus Shrank, 1798) of the Russian Far East: Allozymic and Karyological Divergence

Frisman L.V., Korobitsyna K.V., Kartavtseva I.V., Sheremetyeva I.N., Vouta L.L.

В журнале Russian Journal of Genetics

Год: 2009 Том: 45 Номер: 6 Страницы: 707-714

The intraspeci?c and interspeci?c differentiations of voles of the Russian Far East with respect to allozymic and karyotypic characteristics have been studied. The morphologically similar but karyotypically different species Microtus oeconomus, M. fortis, M. maximowiczii, and M. sachaliensis are characterized by considerable allozymic differentiation. In these voles, the allozymic differentiation has been found to increase in he order adjacent populations–subspecies–species. The interspeci?c allozymic differentiation of the chromosomally polymorphic M. maximowiczii – M. evoronensis – M. mujanensis does not exceed the intraspeci?c differences in M. oeconomus, M. fortis, and M. maximowiczii. The results are analyzed in terms of the allopatric and stasipatric models of speciation. The taxonomic status of M. maximowiczii gromovi is considered.

DOI 10.1134/S1022795409060106