Genetic variation and differentiation in population of Japanese Emperor Oak (Quercus dentata Thunb.) and Mongolian Oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb) in the South of the Russian Far East

Potenko V.V., Koren' O.G., Verkholat V.P.

В журнале Russian Journal of Genetics

Год: 2007 Том: 43 Номер: 4 Страницы: 489-498

Allozyme variation of Japanese emperor oak Quercus dentata Thunb. and Mongolian oak Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) was examined in 11 populations of these species from southern Primorye. Analysis of 18 loci showed that in these populations, 66.7% of genes of Mongolian oak are polymorphic, the number of alleles per locus being 2.28. In Japanese emperor oak, these parameters were respectively 59.8 and 2.36%. The observed heterozygosity in both species did not differ from the expected values, constituting 0.198 in Japanese emperor oak and 0.161 in Mongolian oak. The Nei’s distance between Quercus mongolica and Q. dentata was 0.053. The main contribution to the species differentiation is made by loci Lap-1, Idh-1, Pgm-1, and Ndh-1, although none of them is diagnostic. The Japanese emperor oak and Mongolian oak populations formed separate clusters in an UPGMA dendrogram. Taking into account morphological and ecological isolation of the species, we suggest that the differences in gene frequencies may reflect selection acting in favor of adaptation to different growth conditions and counteracting between-species hybridization.

DOI 10.1134/S1022795407040060