Features of processes of humus formation on the boundary between continent and ocean in the sea of Japan area

Nesterova O.V., Semal V.A.

В издании IV International Symposium of the Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program, Promoting Environmental Research in Pan-Japan Sea Area, Young Researchers’ Network: Abstracts

Год: 2006 Страницы: 29 - 30

Aquasoils (marine sediments) of the Great Peter gulf and inshore soils of the Japanese Sea coast were selected as objects of research. The humus of studied aquasoils can be attributed basically to humatic type. The majority fraction of organic matter in aquatic soils is performed by the not hydrolyzed rest. The quality of humic acids fraction is about 40 to 80 %. The greatest concentrations of organic matter are massed in small closed bays and gulfs and in a top of a continental slope from 250 m depths. Humic acids of marine genesis had gentle colour or are colourless and have low values of optical densities. The increasing of value of Е4/Е6 shows the small degree of condensation of a grid of aromatic Carboneum in aquasoils. In inshore soils raw from marsh to maritim soils we can see the tendency of increase of a fraction of free humic acids and acids bounded with sesquilinear oxides and the increase of values of an optical density of extracts of humic acids. Similar nature of optical density changing in aquasoils, marsh soils and law horizons of maritim soils, shows the similar motive construction of humic acids of these soils.