Umbilicaria aprina and U. rhizinata (Umbilicariaceae,
lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia

Davydov E.A., Yakovchenko L.S., Kharpukhaeva T.M., Zheludeva E.V., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Kataeva O.A., Kuznetsova E.S., Storozhenko Yu.V., Ryzhkova P.Yu., Himelbrant D.E.

В журнале Turczaninowia

Год: 2024 Том: 27 Номер: 1 Страницы: 92-101

Summary. The distribution of Umbilicaria aprina and U. rhizinata in Russia was revised basing on morphological and molecular-phylogenetic data. Umbilicaria aprina is new to Alexandra Land Island (Franz Josef Land Archipelago), Sverdrup Island (Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets District), the republics of Altai, North Ossetia-Alania and Sakha-Yakutia. Umbilicaria rhizinata is new to the republics of Tyva and Buryatia, Putorana Plateau, Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Magadan Region and is therefore reported for the first time to the Asian Subarctic. New localities of the species in other regions are cited. The ITS\5.8S phylogenetic tree supports the distinctness of U. aprina and U. rhizinata. The distribution map is drawn and patterns of distribution of two species are discussed. Umbilicaria aprina occurs in the high Arctic between 74°N and 81°N, whereas the northernmost locality of U. rhizinata is in the vicinity of Norilsk on the Putorana Plateau (ca. 70°N). In mountains U. aprina grows at higher maximal elevations compared to U. rhizinata.

DOI 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.1.12