Rinodina riparia (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) new to Eurasia from China and Russia

Galanina I.A., Kharpuhaeva T.M., Poryadina L.N.

В журнале Phytotaxa

Год: 2024 Том: 652 Номер: 2 Страницы: 165–170

Rinodina riparia was described from North America. It is here recorded for the first time in Eurasia from China and Russia. The species was collected on rough bark, plant debris and wood partly buried in sand. The paper provides data on morphology and anatomy, ecology, and comparisons with closely related species of Rinodina riparia based on the studied sample. The worldwide distribution of the species is discussed. A key for identification of Rinodina riparia and other species with Dirinaria-type spores in Buryatia is given.

DOI 10.11646/PHYTOTAXA.652.2.9