Morphology of wintering shoots of a rare species Exochorda serratifolia S. Moore in Primorsky Krai

Kolyada A.S., Kolyada N.A., Malysheva S.K.

В журнале E3S Web of Conferences

Год: 2023 Том: 390 ArticleID: 07004

The paper studies the morphology of winter shoots of the rare species Exochorda serratifolia S. Moore (Rosaceae Juss.) included in the Red Book of Primorsky Krai (Russian Federation) in the natural population (Khankaisky district of Primorsky Krai) and in culture (the arboretum of the Mountain Taiga Station of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) during 2020-2021. The studied morphological features (linear dimensions of the stem, buds and leaf scars, the number of metamers, bud scales, etc.) vary slightly. A number of morphological characteristics of the buds of Exochorda serratifolia – polyscaly, type of budding, the presence of a waxy coating are adaptive features to temperate continental climatic conditions. The obtained data on the morphology of overwintering shoots of Exochorda serratifolia can be used as additional diagnostic features for identification of the plant in a leafless state.

DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202339007004

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