Volumetric characteristics of Padus Asiatica Kom. Trunk Timber in Primorsky krai

Poleshchuk A., Gridnev A., Poleshchuk V.

В журнале Lecture notes in networks and systems

Год: 2023 Том: 574 Страницы: 2529-2536

The subject of the study in this work was Asiatic cherry Padus Asiatica Kom. There is no data on volume characteristics of Asiatica cherry stem wood in the reference literature at present time. Lack of normative and reference materials brings certain difficulties in calculation of stock per unit area in natural and cultural phytocenoses. The aim of the study was to develop a scale for determining the height grades of stands and compilation of a volumetric table for resource assessment of Asiatic cherry stem wood reserves. Experimental material is presented in the amount of 74 accounting trees. The generalizing curve of the relationship between heights and trunk diameters of the entire set of measured trees was used as the basis for calculating the scale of height grades. This curve was calculated as the arithmetic average of height measurements for all thickness stages. A scale for determining the height grades of stands was developed. The fraction of bark in percentage was determined. Volumetric tables for trunks of Asiatic cherry were compiled. It is established that accuracy of definition of a stock is in admissible limits ± 15%. Volumetric tables for three height grades can be demanded in forest management works, and also are recommended for application to scientific employees and workers of forestry at definition of resource potential and volumetric characteristics of Asiatic cherry trees in natural and cultural phytocenoses.

DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-21432-5_277

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