Makarchenko E.A., Semenchenko A.A., Palatov D.M.
В журнале Zootaxa
Год: 2022 Том: 5141 Номер: 4 Страницы: 373–384
Illustrated morphological descriptions of chironomid larvae from subfamily Orthocladiinae Cardiocladius sp. 1, which as commensals live between ventral suckers of Blephariceridae larvae, as well as larvae and pupae of Eukiefferiella claripennis group inhabited of Simuliidae pupal cocoons, are given. DNA barcodes of these chironomid species and sequences of their hosts, three species of Liponeura Loew (Blephariceridae) and one species of Simulium aff. variegatum (Simuliidae), are provided.