Afanasyev D.F., Abdullin Sh.R.
В журнале Plant Biosystems
Год: 2022 Том: 156 Номер: 5 Страницы: 1222-1236
One class (Sphacelarietea cirrosae), one order (Sphacelarietalia cirrosae), two alliances (Phyllophoro crispae-Codion vermilarae, Gongolarion barbatae) and five associations (Phyllophoro crispae-Codietum vermilarae, Nereietum filiformisae, Rhodochorton purpureum-Apoglossetum ruscifolii, Gongolario barbatae-Sphacelarietum cirrosae, Ericarietum bosphoricae) of macroalgal communities within the North Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea oligosaprobic sublittoral vegetation are described for the first time, using the Braun-Blanquet approach. Detrended correspondence analysis corroborated the results of the syntaxonomic analysis and revealed two main factors influencing the floristic composition of the investigated communities: depth with associated light level and intensity of water movement. The diagnoses of described syntaxa are given. A comparison of Mediterranean and Black Sea syntaxa is made, and the specificity of the vegetation of the North Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea is shown.