Gorovaya E.A.
В журнале Entomological Review
Год: 2019 Том: 99 Номер: 2 Страницы: 184–192
All the developmental stages of Teloganopsis orbicularissp. n. from the Far East of Russia are described. The male imago of the new species is characterized by the rounded lobes of the penis and by broad hind wings. T e larvae have a light medial longitudinal stripe and groups of short setae on the medial longitudinal stripe on tergites IV–IX. The hypopharynx is rounded; the superlinguae are broad, ovate. The maxillae are uniformly broad with a bevel-edged fang-like top; the palpus is missing. The glossae are rounded, broad, and closely approximate. The eggs are ellipsoidal with one polar roundish cap. The chorion surface is covered with a reticulation of broad, gently sloping spongy ridges and deep round tartareous meshes. The systematic position of the new species is discussed.