The life cycle and production of three common stonefly species (Insecta, Plecoptera) in the Kedrovaya River (the south of Primorskii Territory)

Teslenko V.A.

В журнале Entomological Review

Год: 2014 Том: 94 Номер: 9 Страницы: 1191–1201

The life cycles and production parameters of three common detritivorous stonefly species (Paracapnia khorensis, Amphinemura verrucosa, and Taenionema japonicum) from the Kedrovaya River at the Kedrovaya Pad Reserve (the south of Primorskii Territory, Russian Far East) were studied. Judging from the body size histograms, all these species are univoltine and have no winter diapause. Eggs develop directly; larval growth is slow, takes about 282–295 days, and proceeds even at low water temperatures in winter. The P. khorensis population is characterized by synchronous adult emergence and recruitment, as well as by slow continuous increase in larval linear size and body mass from June to March. Amphinemura verrucosa adults have a prolonged flight period from June to August, and their recruitment takes place for two months, till the end of November. Larvae grow during autumn and winter, but the most rapid growth is recorded in spring, when the water temperature rises, just before adult emergence in June and July. The development of T. japonicum is characterized by larval diapause in August and September when the water temperature is high. In October, larval growth is resumed and remains rapid through autumn and winter, up to adult emergence in May. The species studied had similar values of instantaneous growth rate (0.021–0.022 day−1), cohort production efficiency P/Bcohort (6.01–6.55), and annual efficiency of population production P/Bannual (7.78–8.11). More variable throughout the growing period was the mean biomass, and this accounted for the differences in secondary production values which ranged from 13.2 to 130.7 mg dry mass/m2.

DOI 10.1134/S0013873814090012