Mokrousov M.V., Proshchalykin M.Yu., Maharramov M.M.
В журнале Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Год: 2020 Том: 79 Страницы: 213-233
The Palaearctic species of the digger wasps genus Hoplisoides Gribodo, 1884 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Bembicinae) are reviewed, and a key to both sexes is given. Two new species are described and illustrated: Hoplisoides flavescens Mokrousov, sp. nov. (Azerbaijan) and H. leleji Mokrousov, sp. nov. (Turkmenistan). New synonymy is proposed for Hoplisoides ctaverii (A. Costa), 1867 = Gorytes merceti de Beaumont, 1950, syn. nov. Hoplisoides distinguendus (Yasumatsu, 1939), stat. resurr. is reinstated to full specific level. An updated checklist of the ten species of Hoplisoides so far known from Palaearctic region is provided.