Сурмач Р.С., Маметьев П.Г.
В издании 2nd International Conference on Northeast Asia Biodiversity (Baishan, China; August 27-31, 2019): Abstract
Год: 2019 Страницы: 4
Blakiston’s fish owl Ketupa blakistoni is a threatened species distributed across Northeast Asia. This species is difficult to study due to its scarcity and sporadic distribution, and biological features, such as nocturnal life and dependence on hard-to-reach old growth riparian forest. Scientists practice a wide range of technical research methods in ornithology to overcome the difficulties in studying certain aspects of bird life. The tools range from traditional to high-tech equipment, such as various tracker systems or drones. Here we analyze some original applications of widespread technical tools for studying the ecology of the fish owl based on our experience with a continental population.