Yakovchenko L.S., Davydov E.A., Paukov A.G., Ohmura Y.
В журнале Turczaninowia
Год: 2019 Том: 22 Номер: 3 Страницы: 091-096
Fuscideasubmollis Mas. Inoueis reported for the first time from the Russian Far East. Distinctive features of the taxon are discussed, and a comparison with known saxicolousFuscideaV. Wirth &Vězda species with amyloid medulla is made. Three arctic-alpine species: Sporastatiatestudinea (Ach.) A. Massal., Buelliaconcinna Th. Fr.,Amygdalariapanaeola (Ach.) HerteletBrodo, and Aspilideamyrinii (Fr.) Hafellner are recorded for the first time in the South Far East from the SikhoteAlin Range (Primorye Territory). Calvitimelaaglaea (Sommerf.)Hafellner is reported for the first time from SikhoteAlin Range and Primorye Territory.