Morphology and living ability of the pollen of the introduced pine types in the dendraria of the mountain station

Repin E.N.

В журнале Advances in agricultural and biological sciences

Год: 2019

The morphology and quality of pollen of species of the genus Pinus was studied during introduction under conditions of the southern part of Primorsky Krai. As a control, there was a local pine species P. densiflora Sieb et Zucc. Determined the morphometric parameters of pollen (length and height of the body and air sacs). Counted the number of abnormal pollen grains. Pollen viability was determined by germinating it in a 15% sucrose solution in a thermostat at a temperature of 25 °C using the “hanging drop” method. Under conditions of introduction, a direct relationship was found between the number of sprouted pollen grains and the growth rate of pollen tubes. It is claimed that P. banksiana, P. hamata, and especially P. sylvestris are species with a sufficiently large potential for the favorable development of the embryonic stage of generative processes. And as a result — the formation of full seeds during introduction in the Primorsky Territory.

DOI 10.22406/aabs-19-5.3-29-34