Sundukov Yu.N., Makarov K.V.
В журнале Invertebrate Zoology
Год: 2019 Том: 16 Выпуск: 3 Страницы: 283-304
An analyis of all available information on the ground beetles of the Russian Far East published in the 2nd edition of the first volume of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera is presented. A total of 155 Far Eastern taxa of Carabidae is included, for which 178 changes are given: 108 of them concern distribution data, while 70 require taxonomic corrections. Another 8 omitted Far Eastern taxa are added to the catalogue; 31 and 19 taxa are included in or excluded from the fauna of the Far East, respectively; the distribution information is either restricted or expanded for 46 taxa. The total number of species-rank taxa in the fauna of the Far East is increased from 761 to 781.