Сравнительный анализ таксономической структуры флоры пресноводных водорослей южной части Дальнего Востока России

Медведева Л.А., Никулина Т.В.

В журнале Растительный мир Азиатской России

Год: 2019 Номер: 1 Выпуск: 33 Страницы: 3-14

Consolidated taxonomic list of freshwater algae of the continental part of the south of the Far East Russia includes 2887 species (3646 species and intraspecies taxa) of 574 genera, 212 families, 96 orders, 29 classes and 11 divisions. The algal flora of the region is characterized as a rich and diverse complex of species from different taxonomic groups, the divisions of Bacillariophyta and Charophyta are the most representative. The families Desmidiaceae, Euglenaceae, Naviculaceae, Pinnulariaceae and Bacillariaceae have leading places in the systematic structure of the flora. Leading genera are Cosmarium, Pinnularia, Staurastrum, Closterium and Navicula. A comparative analysis of the data with available published information from other regions was carried out. The freshwater algal flora of the southern part of the Far East has features of both northern and southern florae and occupies worthy place in terms of biodiversity and degree of study.

DOI 10.21782/RMAR1995-2449-2019-1(3-14)

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