The phylogenetic position of species of Lecanora s. lat. containing calycin and usnic acid, with the description of Lecanora solaris Yakovchenko & Davydov sp. nov.

Yakovchenko L.S., Davydov E.A., Ohmura Y., Printzen C.

В журнале Lichenologist

Год: 2019 Том: 51 Номер: 2 Страницы: 147-156

Phylogenetic reconstructions based on ITS/5.8S and mtSSU DNA sequence data suggest a close relationship between two Lecanora species containing calycin and usnic acid and the Lecanora polytropa group. Lecanora solaris Yakovchenko & Davydov sp. nov. is described from the Altai Mountains in Russia. Its gross morphology resembles that of L. somervellii as both species have an effigurate, citrine-yellow thallus (due to the production of calycin). However, L. solaris is distinguished from L. somervellii by having a small, squamulose to marginally lobate umbilicate thallus and apothecia with a persistent margin, whereas L. somervellii has a large, distinctly placodioid thallus and an apothecial margin that is soon excluded.

DOI 10.1017/S0024282919000045

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