Rinodina megistospora (Physciaceae) in the Russian Far East

Galanina I.A., Ezhkin A.K., Yakovchenko L.S.

В журнале Новости систематики низших растений

Год: 2018 Том: 52 Страницы: 133-139

Abstract. The paper presents new data on distribution of the lichen Rinodina megistospora in the Russian Far East and its revealed range in eastern Asia. R. megistospora is recorded for the first time for the Sakhalin Region (Sakhalin and Iturup islands). It has been found on the territory of Russia in eight localities in the boreal and nemoral zones of Northeast Asia. The species grows in old-growth intact coniferous and oak forests on bark of Betula sp., Kalopanax septemlobus, Picea sp., Quercus crispula and Sorbus sp. Current data suggest that R. megistospora is one of the species belonging to the Eastern Asiatic — Western North American group of species, characterized by disjunctive range. The paper presents the anatomical and morphological description of Rinodina megistospora, based on the examined specimens.

DOI 10.31111/nsnr/2018.52.1.133

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