Рослик Г.В.
В издании Водные и экологические проблемы, преобразование экосистем в условиях глобального изменения климата: материалы Всероссийской конференции с международным участием (VI Дружининские чтения)
Год: 2016 Страницы: 198-201
ОСОБЕННОСТИ В-ХРОМОСОМ APODEMUS PENINSULAE ОХРАНЯЕМЫХ И УРБАНИЗИРОВАННЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИЙ ДАЛЬНЕГО ВОСТОКА РОССИИ Рослик Г.В. ФГБУН Биолого-почвенный институт ДВО РАН, Владивосток, roslik_g@mail.ru FEATURES OF B CHROMOSOMES IN APODEMUS PENINSULAE INHABITING PROTECTED AND URBANIZED TERRITORIES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST Roslik G.V. Institute of Biology and Soil Science, FEB RAS, Vladivostok Comparative analysis of numerical and frequential variability in B chromosomes of the A. peninsulae from protected and urbanized territories revealed a higher variation in B chromosome numbers in the first case, as well as weak differences in portion of rare variants of macro and mini B chromosomes occurring in the both groups. Factor of environmental pollution, apparently, has indirect influence on the frequency of rare B chromosome variants in this species. It is assumed that the existence of a complex of factors has a relation with frequency of B chromosomes in A. peninsulae.