Podgorodenka natural-technogenic soil catena: Morphological, physicomechanical, and chemical properties

Derbentseva A.M., Chernovalova A.V., Nesterova O.V., Semal V.A., Ribachuk N.A., Surzhik M.M., Mayorova L.P.

В журнале Contemporary Problems of Ecology

Год: 2015 Том: 8 Номер: 1 Страницы: 99-111

The building of man-made industrial complexes in natural landscapes made it necessary to study the changes in the properties of soils which have lost their natural state. The most productive way to monitor these changes is to study natural-technogenic soil catenas. This article reflects the results of regional studies made by the authors. It provides the characteristics of a representative catena formed under the conditions of technogenesis. The morphological, physicomechanical, and chemical properties of technogenic surface formations created due to underground coal mining, natural soils, and man-made chemozems are assessed.

DOI 10.1134/S1995425515010023