Soil cover of yechnogenic and industrial systems of territories of thermal power plants

Derbentseva A.M., Cherentsova A.A., Kurochkina I.A., Mayorova L.P., Matveenko T.I., Brikmans A.V., Rybachuk N.A., Nesterova O.V., Doudkin R.V., Semal V.A., Popova E.A.

Год: 2015

The ecological conditions of soils as one of components of technogenic and industrial systems of territoriesnof thermalpower plants of the South of the Far East is characterized. The main attention is paid to the characteristic of properties of material of ash dumps (toxiindustrata), and also the anthropogenousli transformed soils - hemozem. The monograph is addressed to a wide tange of the experts desling with issues of protection of environmentaland also can be applied in education when training bachelors and masters of soil scirntists, ecologists.