Ecological features of elements of the Artyomovsky natural and technogenic soil catena of the Razdolno-Artyomovsky inundated hilly ridge district

Brikmans A., Derbentseva A., Mayorova L., Doudkin R., Kurochkina L., Nesterova O., Matveenko T., Semal V., Rybachuk N., Popova E.

Год: 2015

The ecological condition of components of the representative natural and technogenic soil catena of the terrirory of Primorye is characterized. The main attention is paid to physical and mechanical, physical and chemical, and chemical properties, antierosion stability of material of technogenic superficial formations, and also soils developed in natural and the anthropogenous transformed landscapes. The monograph is addressed to a wide range of the experts dealing with issues of geography, physics and ecology of soils; it can be appplied in education when training bachelors and masters of soil scientists and ecologists.