Soil and vegetable cover of the coastal catena "Devyatiy val"

Derbentseva A.M., Doudkin R.V., Peshekhodko V.M., Popova E.A., Brikmans A.V., Sokolova L.L., Nesterova O.V., Maiorova L.P., Matveenko T.I., Kurochkina I.A., Matveichuk S.A., Semal V.A., Ardeeva G.L.

Год: 2015

ISBN: 978-5-906739-49-0

The ecological condition of components of the representative natural soil catena of the coast of the Sea of Japan is characterized. The attention is focused on vegetation as soil formation factor, on morphological, physical-mechanical, chemical properties and antierosion stability of soils which differ from zone and hydromorphic midland analogos. The monograph is addressed to a wide range of the experts dealing with issues of geography, physics and ecology of soils; it can be applied in education during training bachelors and masters of soil scientists and ecologists.

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