Natural and Technogenic Soil Catenas in the Southwest of Primorye: Physical-mechanical Properties and Antierosion Stability

Derbentseva A.M., Doudkin R.V., Nesterova O.V., Surzhik M.M., Maiorova L.P., Matveenko T.I., Belikov V.O., Semal V.A., Popova E.A., Chernovalova A.V.

Год: 2014

The ecological condition of components of representative natural and technogenic soil catenas of the Primorye territory is characterized. The main attention is paid to physical-mechanical properties and antierosion stability of material of technogenic superficial formations and also of the soils developed in natural and the anthropogenically transformed landscapes. The monograph is adressed to a wide range of the experts dealing with issues of geography, physics and ecology of soils; it can be applied in education at training of specialists of soil science and ecologist.