Проблемы наших рек и водоёмов: кто в ответе за их состояние?

Вшивкова Т.С.

В издании Природа без границ: VIII Международный экологический форум

Год: 2014 Страницы: 97-104

The rivers of our childhood in which we swam, of which drinking water without fear of getting infected, which were an integral part of our lives, over the last five decades have turned into a muddy, polluted streams, loses life in them, carrying dirt, harmful substances and germs. The process is compounded every year. What’s the matter? Why is this happening? Is there any way to solve the problem and what should we do to stop it? Who is responsible for the condition of our rivers, lakes and springs? These issues are raised in the report. The ways of solving the problems are laid in joint efforts of government, science, the public, environmental institutions. It is necessary to modernize the system of monitoring and control of fresh water, with the inclusion of modern technologies bioassessment, as well as the development and implementation of international practice regulations for monitoring and control of transboundary water basins. A big role in this matter ought to play a developing movement of public environmental monitoring freshwater in Eastern Russia under the auspices of the Scientific-Public Coordination Centre «Clean Water» in the framework of the project «Russian Project «Clean Water» since 2003. Requires the participation of international scientific societies such as Benthological Society of Asia (BSA).