Zhuravlev Yu.N., Reunova G.D., Koren O.G., Muzarok T.I.
В издании XI International Symposium on Ginseng, October 28-31. Seoul, Korea.
Год: 2014 Страницы: 105-113
Panax ginseng Meyer is an endangered species in Russia. To restore this species, effective protective measures, including the reintroduction into favorable habitats, must be worked out considering the specificity of genetic structure of ginseng populations. The high level of genetic diversity within the species was discovered with microsatellite (SSR) and AFLP markers. Genetic differentiation among populations was significant but an isolation-by-distance pattern was not detected. Interpopulation admixture was exhibited presumably because wild ginseng was subjected to a long history of cultivation in field and forest farms. Considering the SSRs were more successful in individual assignment tests we recommend to apply the AFLP markers in individual assignment tests to verify the content of indigenous P. ginseng populations and to identify the "true" population members to serve as stock material for reintroduction.