Новые данные о паразитах рыб внутренних водоемов острова Сахалин

СоколовС.Г., Атрашкевич Г.И., Протасова Е.Н., Фролова С.Е., Шедько М.Б.

В журнале Вестник Северо-Восточного научного центра ДВО РАН

Год: 2014 Номер: 4 Страницы: 85-94

Myxosporeans Chloromyxum sp.1 and Chloromyxum sp.2, cestodes Proteocephalus longicollis, Proteocephalus sp.1, Proteocephalus sp.2, nematodes Pseudocapillaria salvelini, Sterliadochona ephemeridarum, Rhabdochona oncorhynchi, Rhabdochona zacconis and acanthocephalans Neoechinorhynchus salmonis, Pseudorhadinorhynchus leuciscus, Acanthocephalus tenuirostris, Sachalinorhynchus skrjabini Tenuiproboscis misgurni were found in resident and anadromous fish of Sakhalin Island. Descriptions and drawings of Rhabdochona zacconis as well as not identified to species cestodes of gen. Proteocephalus from Barbatula toni and myxosporeans of gen. Chloromyxum from Tribolodon sachalinensis are presented. Species R. zacconis and N. salmonis in fishes of Sakhalin Island, and T. misgurni – in fishes of Russia were found in the first time. Bibliography on fish parasites Sakhalin supplemented sources that are not discussed in the previous review (Sokolov et al., 2012).

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