Оценка качества вод малых водотоков по показателям зообентоса: руководства по пресноводному мониторингу для общественных экологических агентств (ОЭА) Estimation of stream water quality using macroinvertebrates: Manuals for Public Ecological Agencies (PEA)

Вшивкова Т.С.

В издании Реки Сибири и Дальнего Востока: материалы VIII Международной конференции

Год: 2013 Страницы: 32-36

Protection of freshwater resources begins with an estimation of their ecological condition. Small waterways usually are out of the sphere of the state control. The assessment of quality of streams and small rivers can be executed within public environmental monitoring, and school students, members of the public ecological agencies (PEA), and the interested inhabitants can be the public experts who carry out control of our freshwater resources condition. Described in this paper are the electronic and published resources of the manuals and the methodical instructions prepared by the experts of the Scientific-Public Coordination Center "Clean Water" and the International Center of Environmental Monitoring of IBSS FEB RAS, and procedure of the public ecological agencies (PEA) creation under the aegis of the "Clean Water" SPC center

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