Soils of sea coasts habitats of extraorganismal populations, agents of saprozoonosises

Sidorenko M.L., Buzoleva L.S.

В издании Ecology of the Marginal Seas and their Basins - 2013: materials of the International Scientific Conference

Год: 2013 Страницы: 272-279

The quantitative study of dynamics of growth of number Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in soils of sea coast (mid-flight and maritime soils) is carried out. The investigated bacteria were well made multiple copies in all researched soils, preferring nevertheless maritime soil. Influence by humus on multiplication pathogenic of bacteria also was investigated. Is determined, that contents the humus is one of the limiting factors at multiplication pathogenic of bacteria in researched soils. Is established, that the abiotic characteristic of soils of sea coast render direct positive influence on preservation and multiplication in them of pathogenic microflora. This is promoted by a degree of a saturation by the bases, capacity exchange of cations, quantity humus