Medvedeva L.A., Barinova S.S., Semenchenko A.A.
В журнале International Journal of Environment and Resource
Год: 2012 Том: 1 Выпуск: 1 Страницы: 39-44
The climate of the coastal Russian Far East is monsoon type. Rain precipitations with summer-autumnal typhoons and floods prevail and bring up to 90 % annual precipitation. The algal communities of rivers located in protected territories (Kedrovaya River, Serebryanka River) or undeveloped areas (Samarga River), and polluted Rudnaya River were chosen as models of clean and impacted rivers. Pennate diatoms prevail in the periphyton of fast flowing rivers of the Russian Far East. In clean natural rivers the complex of diatoms Hannaea arcus, Meridion circulare, Diatoma mesodon, Encyonema silesiacum, Ulnaria ulna, U. inaequalis, Achnanthidium minutissimum, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphoneis olivaceum, cyanoprokaryote Homoeothrix janthina, chrysophyte Hydrurus foetidus usually are dominant. Diatom alga Didymosphenia geminata is a typical native species and indicator of clean water. Saprobic indices varied from 0.67 to 2.23 in different sites and corresponded to oligo- and beta-mesosaprobic zones (II-III classes of water quality). Thus, three investigated rivers of protected and undeveloped areas are characterized by high quality water with insignificant grade of natural organic pollution. On the contrary, the Rudnaya River having similar hydrology but long time impacted by atmospheric acidification and industrial and domestic waste water has different community structures. Its algae assemblages contain more species tolerated to pollution. They include also many aberrant forms of diatoms.