Паразиты рыб внутренних водоемов острова Сахалин

Соколов С.Г., Шедько М.Б., Протасова Е.Н., Фролов Е.В.

В издании Растительный и животный мир островов северо-западной части Тихого океана (Материалы Международного курильского и Международного сахалинского проектов).

Год: 2012 Страницы: 179-216

An annotated list of 55 species and forms of the parasites of freshwater and anadromous fishes of Sakhalin Island is given. Thirty three species and forms of the parasites are recorded from Sakhalin for the first time. New localities of parasites are given. Four species of parasites (Sachalinorhynchus skrjabini, Tripartiella pungitii, Trichodina elegans, T. pacifica) are endemic to Sakhalin. Taxonomic and nomenclature problems of some species are discussed. Based on the literature data and studied material totally 90 species and 18 forms are parasites of 35 species of freshwater and anadromous fishes in Sakhalin Island.

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