Biota and Environment of Natural Areas

Belyaev D.A., Gluschenko Yu.N., Korobov D.V. , Tiunov I.M.

Birds population of the Gryaznaya River upstream basin (Leopard Land National Park)

Year: 2019, Number: 4, Pages: 66-86

In March–July 2019, the avifauna of the Gryaznaya river basin within The Land of Leopard National Park was studied. 73 bird species were recorded in the surveyed area; the total bird population density was 184.6 individuals/ in March, in April – 447.1 individuals/, and in May – 501.4 individuals/ In early March Marsh Tits (58.58 individuals/, Eurasian Nuthatches and Long-tailed Tits dominated; in April Eurasian Nuthatches (51.08 individuals/, Eastern Great Tits and Yellow-throated Buntings; in May Eastern Crowned Leaf-warblers (52.15 individuals/, Eastern Great Tits and Asian Stubtails. The largest part of the spring avifauna of the Gryaznaya river basin was represented by the orders Passeriformes (45 species or 62.0%), Falconiformes (7 species or 9.6%), Piciformes and Strigiformes (4 species or 5.5%).

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