Year: 2018, Number: 4, Pages: 25-48
Both origin and literature data on species composition of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos of supralittoral and coastal waters of the strict nature reserve (zapovednik) “Kazantipskiy” are summarized. The annotated checklist of 220 species group taxa is compiled. The list includes 180 species group taxa of microphytobenthos and 50 planctonic taxa belonging to 107 genera and 72 families in six phylums: Cyanoprokaryota (83 species), Bacillariophyta (109), Dinophyta (20), Haptophyta (5), Chlorophyta (2) и Ochrophyta (1). Data on ecology and distribution of listed microalgae are presented. There are 23 species which can cause water bloom as well as 15 potentially toxic species.