Larisa Prozorova

Laboratory of Hydrobiology
Leading Researcher
Candidate of biological sciences (Ph.D.)

Research interests: Fauna, biogeography, taxonomy, morphology, anatomy of recent and late Pleistocene freshwater, brackishwater and terrestrial mollusks of North Asia and adjacent territories. Freshwater and terrestrial mollusc fauna conservation.


Leader of Malacological group Vice-President of Russian Far East Malacological Society EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1983- M.S. Biology. Far East State University, Vladivostok, Russia. Supervisor: Prof. Ya.I. Starobogatov (Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg). M.S. Thesis: Freshwater malacofauna of Chaun Lowland (northern Russian Far East). 1989 - Ph.D., Zoology (Malacology). Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences FEB RAS, Russia. Supervisor: Prof. Ya.I. Starobogatov (Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg). Ph.D. Dissertation: Specific content, distribution and biological patterns of freshwater mollusks of Primorsky Krai (southern Russian Far East). RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Project leader of: 1. International Programs Division of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grants №№ NYY000 and NYY300, 1994-1995: Fauna and taxonomy of non-marine mollusks of the Russian Far East. 2. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; cooperative Chinese-Russian project, grant № 03-04-39011, 2004-2005: Freshwater and terrestrial mollusks of Yangtze River drainage with emphasis on fauna and ecology in dam regions. 3. Program of Presidium of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006-2007: 06-III-А-06-475: Genesis of malacofauna of the lake Baikal basin. Project member of: 4. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 93-04-20403, 1993-1995: Mollusks of fresh and brackish waters of the Russian Far East 5. Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering program of the U.S. National Science Foundation, 1995г: Common species in freshwater malacofauna of North-East Asia and Alaska. 6. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 98-04-49595, 1998-2000: Fauna and taxonomy of poorly studied freshwater bivalves from the Russian Far East. 7. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 98-04-49276, 1998-2000: Evolution of organisms in the giant lakes. 8. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; cooperative Chinese-Russian project, grant № 03-04-39011, 2004-2005: Freshwater and terrestrial mollusks of Yangtze River drainage with emphasis on fauna and ecology in dam regions. 9. International Programs Division and the Biological Sciences Directorate (Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program) of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grants №№ DEB-9400821 and DEB-9505031, 1994-2000: Biodiversity of Kuril Archipelago. 10. Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Central Scientific-Engineering Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of Russian Federation (2000-2001), 2000-2006: Research and inventory of flora and fauna of the Russian Far East. 11. International Programs Division and the Biological Sciences Directorate (Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program) of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grant № DEB-0071655, 2001-2002: Biodiversity of Sakhalin Island. 12. More than 10 other programs of Presidium of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. PUBLICATIONS Since 1986 up to 2006 more than 70 scientific papers: 1. Prozorova L.A. 1986. Composition and biogeographical characteristics of freshwater gastropods of the Chaun Lowland // Donnye Organizmy presnykh vod Dal'nego Vostoka, 39-47. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. [In Russian]. 2. Prozorova L.A. 1988. Molluscs of the family Pisidiidae from the Chaun Lowland // Zool. Zhurn., 57(10): 1576-1580. [In Russian with English abstract]. 3. Prozorova L.A. 1988. A new species of the genus Cincinna (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia from the south of the Primorye territory // Zool. Zhurn., 57(11): 1736-1738. [In Russian with English abstract]. 4. Starobogatov Ya.I., Prozorova L.A., Zatrawkin M.N. 1989. Composition of the Physidae Family (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Lymnaeiformes) from Siberia and the Far East of the USSR (with notes on european physidaes) // Bulleten' Moskovskovo Obshestva Isbytateley Prirody , 94(1): 62-76. [In Russian with English abstract]. 5. Starobogatov Ya.I., Prozorova L.A. 1990. Specific composition of the family Bulinidae (Gastropoda, Pulmomata) in the waterbodies of the USSR (with notes on the system of subfamily Camptoceratinae // Zool. Zhurn., 69(4): 27-37. [In Russian, English abstract]. 6. Prozorova L.A. 1990. On the biology reproduction of molluscs Pachychilidae (Gastropoda, Cerithiiformes) // Zool. Zhurn., 69(12): 24-37. [In Russian with English abstract]. 7. Prozorova L.A. 1991. Composition, distribution and biology features of freshwater gastropods of the Primorje Territory // Zool. Zhurn., 70(9): 54-63. [In Russian with Inglish abstract]. 8. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1991. On the contents of the family Bithyniidae of the south of the USSR Far East // Zool. Zhurn., 70(1): 137-139. [In Russian with English abstract]. 9. Prozorova L.A. 1991. Morphology of gastropodan egg-clusters from Primorje Region of the USSR // Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, 228: 74-110. Leningrad. [In Russian with English abstract]. 10. Prozorova L.A. 1992. Molluscs of small waterbodies of the South of Russian Far East // Zool. Zhurn., 71(9): 41-45. [In Russian with English abstract]. 11. Prozorova L.A. 1995. Taxonomy and species composition of the genus Pisidium (Bivalvia, Pisidiidae) in the Russian Far East // Zool. Zhurn., 74(11): 32-36. [In Russian with English abstract]. 12. Prozorova L.A. 1995. Review of specific content of mollusks in the Khanka Lake / Preservation problems of Khanka lake Proc. Intern. Conference. Spassk-Dalny. Reserve "Khankaisky”. P. 71-78. [In Russian]. 13. Prozorova L.A., Foster N.R. 1996. Terrestrial Mollusks of Beringia // Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report. 28: 8-9. 14. Prozorova L.A., Foster N.R. 1996. Freshwater Malacofauna of Alaska and Northeastern Asia // Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report. 28: 9-10. 15. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1996. Guide to Recent molluscs of nothern Eurasia. 6. Genus Armiger Hartmann, 1840 (family Planorbidae) // Ruthenica, 5(2): 167-175. 16. Prozorova L.A. 1996. On the species composition of the Acroloxidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) family in the Russian Far East // Zool. Zhurn., 75(4): 494-498. [In Russian, English abstract]. 17. Prozorova L.A. 1996. Species composition of the genus Cecina (Gastropoda, Pomatiopsidae from the Russian Far East // Zool. Zhurn., 75(5): 653-663. [In Russian with English abstract]. 18. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I., Korniushin A.V. 1996. Species composition of the genus Henslowiana (Bivalvia, Euglesidae) from the Amur river basin // Zool. Zhurn., 75(9): 1319-1325. [In Russian with English abstract]. 19. Prozorova L.A. 1996. Gastropods and small bivalves of fresh and brackish waterbodies in the Southern Kurile Islands // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 1: 21-34. 20. Prozorova L.A. 1996. Genus Conventus (Bivalvia, Pisidioidea) from the Russian Far East // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 1: 35-45. [In Russian with English abstract]. 21. Prozorova L.A. 1997. Freshwater snails in the Southern Russian Far East // Korean Journal of Malacology, 13(2): 97-108. 22. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I.. 1997. New species of the subgenus Gyraulus of the genus Anisus and Choanomphalus (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) // Ruthenica, 7(1): 39-50. 23. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I.. 1997. New for Russia species of the genus Stenothyra (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia, Stenothyridae) // Ruthenica, 7(1): 65-66. [In Russian with English abstract]. 24. Prozorova L.A. 1998. Pectinibranchs of fresh and brackish waters in the Kuril Archipelago // Ruthenica, 8(1): 33-38. 25. Prozorova L.A. 1998. Annotated list of Beringian freshwater molluscs // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 2: 12-28. 26. Prozorova L.A. 1998. New data on the anatomy and taxonomy of Lacustrina Sterki (Bivalvia, Pisidioidea) // Western Society of malacologists Annual Report, 30: 55. 27. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1998. Subgenus Sibirovalvata of the genus Cincinna (Pectinibranchia, Valvatidae) in the Russia and adjacent area // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 2: 54-74. [In Russian with English abstract]. 28. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. Subgenus Gyraulus (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) from the South of the Russian Far East // Ruthenica, 8(1): 55-58. [In Russian with English abstract]. 29. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. A new species of the genus Aplexa (Pulmonata, Physidae) from Japan // Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 77(9): 1068-1070. [In Russian with English abstract]. 30. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. The species of the genus Acroloxus (Pulmonata, Acroloxidae) from the Kolhyma River basin // Ruthenica, 8(1): 39-42. [In Russian with English abstract]. 31. Prozorova L.A., Alekseeva E.V. 1999. Fossil molluscs from the cave Bliznetz (southern Sikhote-Alin Mountains) // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 3: 26-32. [In Russian with English abstract]. 32. Prozorova L.A., Sharyi-Ool M.O. 1999. Freshwater snails (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) of the Tuva // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 3: 11-25. [In Russian with English abstract]. 33. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1999. On taxonomy and anatomy of the genus Choanomphalus (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) // Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 78(8): 1011-1013. [In Russian with English abstract]. 34. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1999. On Cincinna japonica (Martens, 1877) (Pectinibranchia, Valvatidae), with a description of a new species of the genus from the Southern Kuril Islands // Ruthenica, 9(1): 51-55. [In Russian, with English abstract]. 35. Prozorova L.A., Kavun V.Ya. 1999. Estimation of an ecological condition of the Tumannaya (Tumen) River on the basis of hydrobiological data // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 5: 69-76. [In Russian with English abstract]. 36. Prozorova L.A. 2000. Annotated list of water molluscs of the Khanka Lake drainage // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 4: 10-29. [In Russian with English abstract]. 37. Prozorova L.A. 2000. Unique association of land snails on Klykova Island (Peter the Great Bay) // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 3: 33-35. [In Russian with English abstract]. 38. Prozorova L.A. 2000. On the land snails of the Kuril Islands, their ecological peculiarities and ways of dispersal // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 5: 29-35. [In Russian with English abstract]. 39. Prozorova L.A., Foster N.R. 2000. On the similarity of Asian and American Beringian freshwater malacofauna // Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia. V. 1. Part 3. Novosibirsk. P. 89-91. 40. Prozorova L.A., Rasschepkina A.V. 2001. Comparative anatomy of reproductive system of the Juga-like gastropods (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea) from South Korea and Primorye Territory // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 5: 62-70. [In Russian with English abstract]. 41. Prozorova L.A. 2001. Species composition and distribution of freshwater malacofauna in the basin of lower reaches of the Tumen River // The state of environment and biota of the southwestern part of Peter the Great Bay and the Tumen River mouth. V. 2. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 52-68. 42. Nakamura T. et al. 2001. Diagnostic Analysis of the Lake Xingkai (Khanka) basin. UNEP. 136 p. 43. Prozorova L.A. 2001. Distributional patterns of freshwater malacofauna and biogeographical subdivision of the Russian Far East // Vladimir Ya. Levanidov’s Bienial Memorial Meetings (Vladivostok, March 20-22, 2001). Vladivostok: Dalnauka. V. 1. P. 112-125. [In Russian]. 44. Prozorova L.A., Sayenko E.M. 2001. On the biology of the anodontine genus Cristaria (Bivalvia, Unionidae) // Ruthenica, 11(1): 33-36. [In Russian with English abstract]. 45. Pearce T., Prozorova L., Kuwahara Ya. 2002. Terrestrial Mollusca on the Kuril Islands: previous records and problems for study // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 6. P. 89-101. 46. Prozorova L.A. 2002. Terrestrial mollusks // Flora and fauna of Kuril Island (materials of International Kuril Island Project). Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 74-81. [In Russian]. 46. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V., Sayenko E.M. 2002. Freshwater mollusks // Flora and fauna of Kuril Island (materials of International Kuril Island Project). Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 82-95. [In Russian]. 47. Bogatov V.V., Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 2003. The family Margaritiferidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Russia // Ruthenica, 13(1): 41-52. 48. Pietsch T.W., Bogatov V.V., Amaoka K., Zhuravlev Yu.N., Barkalov V.Yu., Gage S., Takahashi H., Lelej A.S., Storozhenko S.Yu., Minakawa N., Bennett D.J., Anderson T.R., Masahiro O., Prozorova L., Kuwahara Ya., Kholin S.K., Yabe M., Stevenson D.E., MacDonald E.L. 2003. Biodiversity and biogeography of the islands of the Kuril Archipelago // Journal of Biogeography, vol. 30, p. 1297-1310. 49. Prozorova L.A. 2003. Taxonomy and species composition of the genus Anisus Studer in the fauna of Russia // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 7. P. 99-115. [In Russian with English abstract]. 50. Prozorova L.A. 2003. Morphological features of supralittoral mollusks of the genus Cecina (Gastropoda: pomatiopsidae) from Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan // Journal of Marine Biology. Moscow: Nauka, 29(1): 59-62. [In Russian with English abstract]. 51. Bogatov V.V., Pietsch T.W., Zhuravlev Yu.N., Storozhenko S.Yu., Leley A.S., Barkalov V.Yu., , Kholin S.K., Prozorova L.A. 2003. Origin patterns of the terrestrial and freshwater biota of Kuril Archipelago // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch). № 3. P. 9-18. [In Russian, with English abstract]. 52. Prozorova L.A., Shed’ko M.V. 2003. Mollusca of the lake Azabach’ye (Kamchatka) and their biocenotic significance // Proceedings of Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Institute of Geography, Far eastern Division, Russian Academy of Scirences. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: Kamchatskii Pechatnyi Dvor Publishing House. Issue 4. P. 120-151. [In Russian with English abstract]. 53. Prozorova L.A., Rasshepkina A.V. 2003. Specific content and biological patterns of mollusks in superfamily Cerithioidea (Gastropoda, Cerithiiformes) from Tugur River (southern coast of the Okhotsks Sea) // Vladimir Ya. Levanidov’s Bienial Memorial Meetings (Vladivostok, March 19-21, 2003). Vladivostok. Dalnauka. V. 2. P. 135-138. [In Russian with English abstract]. 54. Prozorova l.A., Rasshepkina A.V. 2004. Reproductive anatomy of some genera of North American Pleuroceridae (Gastropoda: Cerithioiformes: Cerithioidea) // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 8. P. 87-94. [In Russian with English abstract]. 55. Starobogatov Ya.I., Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V., Sayenko E.M. 2004. Molluscs. In: Key to Freshwater Invertebrates of Russia and adjacent lands. Vol. 6. Molluscs, Polychaetes, Nemerteans.- SPb.: Nauka. P. 10-491. [In Russian]. 56. Prozorova L.A. Land snails // Fauna of the Ussuriyskii taiga. Vladivostok: Dalpress. 2004. P.10-19. 57. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V., Sayenko E.M. 2004. Freshwater mollusks // Flora and fauna of Sakhalin Island (Materials of International Sakhalin Island Project). Part 1. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 138-144. [In Russian with English abstract]. 58. Prozorova L.A. 2004. Mollusca // The Far Eastern Maritime Preserve. Biota. V. 2. Chapter III. Annotated list of species. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 452-456. [In Russian]. 59. Gulbin A.V., Prozorova L.A. 2005. Mollusca // Red Data Book Primorsky Krai: Animals. Rare and endangered species of animals. Official edition. Vladivostok: Apelsin. P. 27-66. [In Russian]. 60. Prozorova L.A., Zasypkina M.O. 2005. The new data on morphology and distribution of mollusks of the genus Armiger Hartmann, 1840 (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) // Vladimir Ya. Levanidov’s Bienial Memorial Meetings (Vladivostok, March 21-23, 2005). Vladivostok: Dalnauka. V. 3. P. 289-294. [In Russian with English abstract]. 61. Prozorova L.A., Zasypkina M.O. 2005. Freshwater mollusks of the Khilok River (Selenga R. drainage, east Lake Baikal region) // Vladimir Ya. Levanidov’s Bienial Memorial Meetings (Vladivostok, March 21-23, 2005). Vladivostok: Dalnauka. V. 3. P. 295-300. [In Russian with English abstract]. 62. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V., Kavun K.V. 2005. New data on the terrestrial mollusk fauna of Sakhalin Island // Flora and fauna of Sakhalin Island (Materials of International Sakhalin Island Project). Part 2. Dalnauka,Vladivostok. P. 44-51. [In Russian with English abstract]. 63. Prozorova L.A., Rasshepkina A.V. 2005. To the reproductive anatomy of the genus Semisulcospira (Cerithioidea: Pleuroceridae: Semisulcospirinae) // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 9. P. 123-126. 64. Prozorova L.A., Sayenko E.M., Bogatov V.V. Wu M., Liu Yu.-Yi. 2005. Bivalves of the Yangtze River drainage // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 9. P. 87-94. 65. Prozorova L.A., Sitnikova T.Ya., Slugina S.V. 2005. Yaroslav Igorevich Starobogatov // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. Vol. 9. P. 227-232. . [In Russian]. 66. Bogatov V.V. Starobogatov Ya.I., Prozorova L.A. 2005. Mollusks of the genus Colletopterum (Anodontinae, Bivalvia) from Russia and adjacent territories // Zool. Zhurn. V. 84. № 9. P. 1050-1063. [In Russian with English abstract]. 67. Prozorova L.A. 2005. Freshwater and terrestrial mollusks of the Tauysk Bay coastal area // Biodiversity of the Tauysk Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 252-261. [In Russian]. 68. Bogatov V.V., Pietsch T.W., Storozhenko S.Yu., Barkalov V.Yu., Leley A.S., Kholin S.K., Krestov P.V., Kostenko V.A., Makarchenko E.A., Prozorova L.A., Shedko S.V. 2006. Origin patterns of the terrestrial and freshwater biota of Sakhalin Island // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 2: 32-47. [In Russian with English abstract]. 69. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V. 2006. Large bivalve mollusks (Bivalvia, Unioniformes) of Lake Baikal // Hydrobiologia. V. 568. Supplement 1. P. 201-205. 70. Prozorova L.A. 2006. Land snails of the Kedrovaya Padj nature reserve (Primorsky Krai, Russian Far East) // Scientific Bases of conservation of biodiversity of the Russian Far East. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. P. 183-197. [In Russian with English abstract]. 71. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V. 2006. Fresh- and brackishwater molluscs of the Moneron Island // Flora and fauna of Moneron Island (Materials of International Sakhalin Island Project). Dalnauka,Vladivostok. P. 149-157. [In Russian with English abstract]. 72. Prozorova L.A., Bogatov V.V., Kavun K.V. 2006. Terrestrial molluscs of the Moneron Island // Flora and fauna of Moneron Island (Materials of International Sakhalin Island Project). Dalnauka,Vladivostok. P. 158-166. [In Russian with English abstract]. 73. Prozorova L.A., Kavun K.V., Tiunov M.P., Panasenko E.V. 2006. To the area of the rarest land snail species of the southern Russian Far East // Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 6: 83-85. [In Russian with English abstract]. 74. Prozorova L.A., Rasshepkina A.V. 2006. To the radula and pallial gonoduct morphology of Biwamelania decipiens and B. multigranosa (Mollusca: Cerithioidea: Pleuroceridae: Semisulcospirinae) // The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society. V. 10. P. 130-132.

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