
The scientific topics of the laboratory meet the criteria defined in the Presidential Decree No. 204 of 7 May 2018 about the strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 year and priority areas of scientific and technological development such as development of new materials, personalized medicine and environmentally-friendly technologies aimed to obtaining of biotechnologically produced safe and high-quality functional foods, dietary supplements and drugs.

The major areas of research are:

  • Identification and production of effective drugs using modern molecular biotechnology methods.
  • Creation of targeted drug delivery systems based on nanoscale objects of natural and synthetic origin.
  • Development of new biomimetic technologies and materials for photonics and optoelectronics.



Yury Shkryl

Leading Researcher
Candidate of biological sciences (Ph.D.)

Associate Professor

Yulia Yugay

Senior Researcher
Candidate of biological sciences (Ph.D.)

Dmitrii Bulgakov

Research Fellow

Elena Vasyutkina

Research Fellow

Olga Grishchenko

Research Fellow

Anastasia Mironova

Research Fellow

Anton Degtyarenko

Leading Engineer

Yulia Yaroshenko

Leading Engineer

Olesya Kudinova

Senior Laboratory Assistant

Zhargalma Tcydeneshieva

Senior Laboratory Assistant