Chubar' E. A.

Alien species in the small marine islands' flora: life strategies, coenotic activity, adventive index (the Far East marine reserve, Primorskii Krai)

Year: 2015, Issue: LXIII, Pages: 127 - 163

Alien (adventive) plant species are an important part of the flora in protected areas, especially for small clusters (including islands) which are actively visited by tourists: ranger stations, visitor directions, visitor centers, beaches, etc. The adventive flora component of the Far East marine biosphere reserve includes 72 species of 64 genera and 24 families. Sixty five species of them have naturalized, 8 of them are invasive ones. The Adventive Index of the entire flora of the islands increased from 6.5 % (2004) to 7.2 % (2010), to 8.2 % (2013), and in some actively visited areas – to 10.1 %. Annual herbs with tap-roots (44 species) and perennial vegetatively mobile herbs (10 species) are the main components in the composition of adventive life forms; among them sporadic (32), local (14) and narrow-local (11) species present the main groups of frequent occurrence; inactive (45) and low-active species (17) compose the main groups of coenotic activity. Their coenotypes correspond to annual weak-competitive partners (50 species), perennial competitive partners (12 species), temporary pseudo-dominants (8 species) and pseudo-determinants (1 species). Adventive plant species are distributed mostly in vicinity of the guard posts, on the bird nesting colonies and on pioneer habitats (supralittoral zone, screes, and spits).

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