Kozhevnikov A.E., Kozhevnikova Z.V.

Taxonomical composition and features of the flora of state natural reserves of Primorsky Territory

Year: 2012, Issue: LIX, Pages: 76 - 126

The flora in 6 state natural reserves of Primorsky Territory is presented by 1854 species, including 1637 indigenous species and 217 alien species. The peculiarity of the flora of sepa- rate reserves on species level is most essentially expressed by the presence of specific indigo enous taxa in each separate reserve flora. The most peculiarity of the flora Sikchote-Alin (169 specific species) and Khanka (83) and Lazovsky (63) natural reserves have got. The presence of specific families emphasizes unique and peculiarity of the flora of these reserves: Ne- lumbonaceae, Penthoraceae and Trapellaceae (Khanka), Verbenaceae and Zannichelliaceae (Lazovsky), Diapensiaceae and Isoetaceae (Sikchote-Alin), Limoniaceae (Far East Marine Reserve). According to the features of taxonomical spectra structure, the natural flora all of the reserves is referred to Cyperaceae type and Ranunculaceae subtype. Among leading genera Carex, Artemisia, Viola, Potentilla and Salix are most relevant. Essential differences of the flora of separate reserves in Primorsky Territory (taxonomical spectra structure, por- tion of 10 leading families, specific taxa, endemics and rare species) are determined by their belonging to different natural zones of south part of Russian Far East such as mixed Manshu- rian–Okhotian forest (Ussurian, Kedrovaya Pad, Sikchote-Alin, Lazovsky, Far East Marine reserves) or mixed forest and Far East prairie (Khanka Reserve).

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