Makarchenko E.A.

Description of Pagastia (Pagastia) kadi sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae) from the Amur River basin

Number: 506, Pages: 1 - 6

An illustrated description of a new chironomid species Pagastia (Pagastia) kadi sp. n. from the Amur River basin (Russian Far East) is given based on the adult male and pupa. The new species is closely related to Pagastia (P.) orthogonia Oliver, known from North America and Japan, but differs from it in the shape of the gonostylus, the size of the basal lobe of male gonocoxite, and the absence of the median setae of the anal lobe in the pupa. The absence of median setae of the anal lobe was recorded for pupae of the genus Pagastia Oliver for the first time and this character must be included in the diagnosis of genus.

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