Поденки (Ephemeroptera) Восточно-Маньчжурских гор

Тиунова Т.М.

В издании Растительный и животный мир заповедника "Кедровая Падь"

Год: 2006 Страницы: 50-62

Data on mayfly fauna from rivers of area of the East-Manchurian Mountains are presented. Total list of mayfly includes 82 species belonging to 12 families and 24 genera. From 82 species registered for area of East - Manchurian Mountains, 48 species are habitat in water-currents of Korea. Biogeorgaphical and ecological analysis of structure of fauna are discussed. All revealed mayfly specimens belong to eight ecological complexes. From them inhabitants of rithral, reaching 43 % are most submitted. Inhabitants of potamal make 23 %, both zones - 34 %. Most of finding species have Eastern Palaearctic (46%) tape of area and Palearkheartic (41%) tape of area.