The nonmarine Cretaceous of the U.S.S.R.: a review

Krassilov V.A., Bugdaeva E.V., Andreev Yu.N., Dolgopolov V.F., Ponomarenko Z.K., Gambashidze R.A., Kirichkova A.I., Chlonova A.F., Liamina N.A., Scoblo V.M., Nessov L.A., Papulov G.N., Pokhialajnen V.A., Prosorovsky V.A., Verba Jn.L., Voronova M.A.

В издании Aspects of nonmarine Cretaceous geology

Год: 1992 Страницы: 110-128

Nonmarine Cretaceous deposits in the U.S.S.R. accumulated along the margins of the East Europe and West Siberia shields. In the south, these deposits are found in the Tethys region as well as in the intracontinentsl basins and troughs behind the rising volcanic ranges of the Circum-Pacific belt and its continuation into Transbaikalia and Mongolia. A brief overview of the stratigraphy of these deposits is presented. A number of biological and climatic events defining inter-regional correlations are recognized.