Variety of viruses affecting vegetable crops in the Far East

Tolkach V.F., Pleshakova T.I., Kakareka N.N., Shchelkanov M.Yu.

В издании North-East Asia Biodiversity: Abstract Book of the 1-st International Conference (Vladivostok, Russia; September 17-21, 2018)

Год: 2018 Страницы: 82-83

Soil and climate conditions in the Southern part of the Far East are favorable for cultivation of vegetable crops. The cultivated plants of this area include cabbages, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, green and legumes as well as pumpkin, watermelon, and zucchini. All these cultures are largely affected by viral diseases. Epidemiology of viruses depends on availability of vectors, natural and anthropogenic foci and climatic conditions.

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